Tuesday, April 17, 2007

yoz babes

here's how you've responded to the stayover invitation~~

rebec's last paper on 30th (presumably april...), jane's last paper on 2nd, my last paper on 3rd...
mandy and mel both prefer to stayover on a friday...

so, i offer we stayover on friday, 4th may =)
but take heart, mine is a single room, really quite no space. so DO NOT EXPECT TO SLEEP. we're just gonna stay up all night to play/chat =p and the next morning i got meeting at 11 so will have to leave at around 10 :/ but u all can stay =p

as for side activities...
i really just want to go and eat cakes hahaah.
check out www.ieatishootipost.blogspot.com
browse thru the categories/tags at the right sidebar =p
am esp interested in www.gobi.com
it's a shop in katong tho (which is sooo ulu :/)

any side activities you gals wanna haf?
*open for discussion here*
the exact time and place we meet depends on what else we're gonna do..
will confirm again!~~


Blogger alex said...

(Compare my latest formulation of the origin of ritalin the hysterical symptoms in a treatise published by the Zeitschrift fuer Sexualwissenschaft , by Hirschfeld and others, 1908).. He swung them around a sharp bend with a skillful hand and poised his weight above the brake as they plunged at terrific wellbutrin speed down a steep grade.. There's a porch gabapentin to cross after you go up the steps--does it say anything about that? It says that the card should be placed on the servant, Abner reiterated, doggedly.. Ross plumped down beside him. phentermine. The bait took at once, insulin for Mr.. They drew him into a rear room, whose gilded frames and polished tables betrayed the character and purpose of the place, and plied him altace with wine until ten thousand lights danced about him.. Prue looked a little puzzled. imitrex. And since you have alluded to the subject, William, he continued, I'd like very much to zantac come and see you again; you know my visit was a very short one this year.. There was an irregular trembling of the boat as the anchor struggled along the bottom of the canal; then there was a great shock; the boat celexa ran into the bank and stopped; the tow-line was tightened like a guitar-string, and the horse, jerked back with great violence, came tumbling in a heap upon the ground.. In the interests of expediency I therefore postulate that the second system succeeds in viagra maintaining the greater part of the occupation energy in a dormant state and in using but a small portion for the purposes of displacement.. This is at once shown by the fact that the dream deals with a big and a little picture, just as the dream content presents a big (grown up) and soma a little girl.. If I'm fool enough to go, I don't expect to come out viagra of it alive.. He had not planned any smiles (knowing that he must board round), and it was not for promethazine ordinary occurrences to alter his arrangements; so that when he was betrayed into a relaxation of the muscles, it was in such a sort as if he was putting his bread and butter in jeopardy.. If his friend Buller would have employed a professional mariner, of years and experience, to steer and manage his boat, Podington might have been willing to take an occasional sail; but as Buller always insisted upon sailing his own boat, and took it ill if any of his visitors doubted his ability to carisoprodol do so properly, Podington did not wish to wound the self-love of his friend, and he did not wish to be drowned.. The stuff of the dream thoughts which alprazolam has been accumulated for the formation of the dream scene must be naturally fit for this application...

5:01 AM

Blogger alex said...

(Compare my latest formulation of the origin of flomax the hysterical symptoms in a treatise published by the Zeitschrift fuer Sexualwissenschaft , by Hirschfeld and others, 1908).. He swung them around a sharp bend with a skillful hand and poised his weight above the brake as they plunged at terrific evista speed down a steep grade.. There's a porch darvocet to cross after you go up the steps--does it say anything about that? It says that the card should be placed on the servant, Abner reiterated, doggedly.. Ross plumped down beside him. nexium. The bait took at once, prozac for Mr.. They drew him into a rear room, whose gilded frames and polished tables betrayed the character and purpose of the place, and plied him vioxx with wine until ten thousand lights danced about him.. Prue looked a little puzzled. evista. And since you have alluded to the subject, William, he continued, I'd like very much to potassium come and see you again; you know my visit was a very short one this year.. There was an irregular trembling of the boat as the anchor struggled along the bottom of the canal; then there was a great shock; the boat seroquel ran into the bank and stopped; the tow-line was tightened like a guitar-string, and the horse, jerked back with great violence, came tumbling in a heap upon the ground.. In the interests of expediency I therefore postulate that the second system succeeds in oxycodone maintaining the greater part of the occupation energy in a dormant state and in using but a small portion for the purposes of displacement.. This is at once shown by the fact that the dream deals with a big and a little picture, just as the dream content presents a big (grown up) and lithium a little girl.. If I'm fool enough to go, I don't expect to come out effexor of it alive.. He had not planned any smiles (knowing that he must board round), and it was not for trazodone ordinary occurrences to alter his arrangements; so that when he was betrayed into a relaxation of the muscles, it was in such a sort as if he was putting his bread and butter in jeopardy.. If his friend Buller would have employed a professional mariner, of years and experience, to steer and manage his boat, Podington might have been willing to take an occasional sail; but as Buller always insisted upon sailing his own boat, and took it ill if any of his visitors doubted his ability to celexa do so properly, Podington did not wish to wound the self-love of his friend, and he did not wish to be drowned.. The stuff of the dream thoughts which celebrex has been accumulated for the formation of the dream scene must be naturally fit for this application...

2:19 PM

Blogger alex said...

(Compare my latest formulation of the origin of ritalin the hysterical symptoms in a treatise published by the Zeitschrift fuer Sexualwissenschaft , by Hirschfeld and others, 1908).. He swung them around a sharp bend with a skillful hand and poised his weight above the brake as they plunged at terrific phenergan speed down a steep grade.. There's a porch ritalin to cross after you go up the steps--does it say anything about that? It says that the card should be placed on the servant, Abner reiterated, doggedly.. Ross plumped down beside him. claritin. The bait took at once, penicillin for Mr.. They drew him into a rear room, whose gilded frames and polished tables betrayed the character and purpose of the place, and plied him viagra with wine until ten thousand lights danced about him.. Prue looked a little puzzled. alprazolam. And since you have alluded to the subject, William, he continued, I'd like very much to thyroid come and see you again; you know my visit was a very short one this year.. There was an irregular trembling of the boat as the anchor struggled along the bottom of the canal; then there was a great shock; the boat quinine ran into the bank and stopped; the tow-line was tightened like a guitar-string, and the horse, jerked back with great violence, came tumbling in a heap upon the ground.. In the interests of expediency I therefore postulate that the second system succeeds in thyroid maintaining the greater part of the occupation energy in a dormant state and in using but a small portion for the purposes of displacement.. This is at once shown by the fact that the dream deals with a big and a little picture, just as the dream content presents a big (grown up) and alprazolam a little girl.. If I'm fool enough to go, I don't expect to come out clonazepam of it alive.. He had not planned any smiles (knowing that he must board round), and it was not for versed ordinary occurrences to alter his arrangements; so that when he was betrayed into a relaxation of the muscles, it was in such a sort as if he was putting his bread and butter in jeopardy.. If his friend Buller would have employed a professional mariner, of years and experience, to steer and manage his boat, Podington might have been willing to take an occasional sail; but as Buller always insisted upon sailing his own boat, and took it ill if any of his visitors doubted his ability to voltaren do so properly, Podington did not wish to wound the self-love of his friend, and he did not wish to be drowned.. The stuff of the dream thoughts which wellbutrin has been accumulated for the formation of the dream scene must be naturally fit for this application...

7:35 PM


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